By the time the children leave Crossley Fields, they will have become highly motivated and engaged learners. They will be independent and resourceful in their learning, with twenty first century skills to learn lifelong.
Technology will be an empowering aspect of their learning and lives, in and out of school.
Key approaches we will use to develop this are:
Highly effective communication in all media across school and the wider community
Wide opportunities to research using diverse networks and sources
Developing understanding, enthusiasm and interest in Computer Science
Pupils exercising their creativity across the curriculum through opportunities to publish, present and perform to a wide range of audiences and for a wide range of challenging purposes in a wide range of subjects.
The development of a comprehensive set of technological competences and skills throughout the curriculum.
These approaches will be delivered through a curriculum which is relevant to themselves, to other children, to the rest of the world and to the requirements of all the National Curriculum’s Computing Programmes of Study.
Key themes in the development of Computing and Learning Technology will be to:
Enable the children to publish and present to wider audiences
Radically increase communications across the school and outside
Widen research networks
Development of the Computing Skills Progression to encompass new technological developments
Ensure that the full range of pupil competences is exploited by all teachers to enhance, accelerate and thus transform learning
Accelerate and raise achievement
Computing Intent Statement