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Crossley Fields

Curriculum - 2022-23

Throughout the 2019-2020 academic year, the teachers at the school devised a new curriculum for the children at Crossley Fields based on the National Curriculum. This we believe gives greater coverage and variety to what we offer the children in all subjects but especially in the subjects other than English and Maths. This 'new' curriculum replaced the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) that was the scheme the school previously followed. 

Skills Progressions

Our first task was to develop Skills Progressions for each subject ranging from Reception right up to Y6 to ensure that skills lay at the heart of all that we taught, and that these ensured progression as children got older but also that nothing was missed out. 

Content 'Tiles'

Leaders for Science, History Geography and PSHE looked in detail at what the National Curriculum asked us to teach each year group in each subject, as these formed the basis of our 'topic-based' learning moving forward.  They devised a 'planning tile' which in addition to the Key Skills, outlines Key Content, Key Questions and Key Vocabulary to be covered in the topic. Teachers are encouraged to take the planning of the topic wherever they wish to but Key Skills and Key Content must be covered. 

Yearly Learning Timeline

Each Year Group has designed it Yearly Learning Timeline to outline in which order they are teaching their topics, and although these may seem to stand alone, they will also form the focus for much of their other work, such as in Art, English and Design Technology.  

Learning Progression Planners

Teachers use a Learning Progression Planner to plan for the shorter term activities within the topic. 

National Curriculum

(Please click here to access the National Curriculum)