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Crossley Fields


At Crossley Fields we have successfully rolled out the system whereby children choose their own meals at lunchtime via the Cypad System in each class room.

Halal choices are available twice a week. All children will be encouraged to try everything that is on their plate.

School Lunch Menu - Autumn/Winter 2024

School Lunch Menu - Spring/Summer 2025

School Lunch Options

Children can either have:

  • School Lunches: Monday-Friday
  • Fantastic Fridays: Packed Lunch Monday-Thursday and a school lunch on a Friday
  • Packed Lunches: All week

Changing Lunch Time Options

If your child wishes to change from/to Packed Lunches, School Dinners or Fantastic Fridays,  please let the school office know a week in advance to enable adjustments to be made to food orders.

Packed Lunches

Facilities are provided for children who bring packed mid-day meals. 

A packed lunch should be brought in a named bag/box together with a drink in an unbreakable container with a straw or cup.  Please do not include fizzy drinks, nuts or any nut products such as Nutella, sweets, chocolate bars (chocolate biscuits are fine) and chocolates.